Jakarta, Indonesia, persis.or.id – Independence is one of the greatest blessings that Allah has bestowed upon the Muslim community and the Indonesian people as a nation. Therefore, it is a common obligation to express sincere gratitude for it.
The Chairman of Persatuan Islam (PERSIS), Ustaz Jeje Zaenudin, has urged all Indonesians to express sincere gratitude for the nation's independence. In a statement released on Friday, August 16, 2024, Ustaz Jeje emphasized that true gratitude involves three essential elements.
"Firstly, we must recognize and acknowledge that our independence is ultimately a gift from Allah," said Ustaz Jeje. "This fundamental truth is explicitly stated in the preamble of our constitution, the 1945 Constitution."
Secondly, he continued, gratitude should be expressed through praising Allah as the creator and giver of all blessings.
"And thirdly, the most challenging aspect of gratitude is to actively use our independence to achieve the goals and aspirations of our nation," Ustaz Jeje added.
Thus, if a nation does not properly utilize the blessing of its independence, it means that the nation is denying that blessing.
"And when a blessing is denied, the consequence of it is that the blessing will be withdrawn, or even turned into a disaster," said Ustaz Jeje.
Ustaz Jeje called on all Indonesians to express their gratitude for the nation's independence in a meaningful way. "Let us work together to ensure that Indonesia remains a blessed and prosperous nation," he concluded.